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Artist Select III and Yards Holiday Market

Artist Select 2019 

Ann Bort, Bex Fuller, Alex Overbeck, Taryn McMahon and Zak Smoker


As the Director of Yards Projects, developing exhibitions provide new artists the opportunity to present their work has introduced me, through the Artist Select exhibition to new communities through the recommendations of other artists.  


Artists selected for Artists Select Exhibition 2019, have created an organic mix of contemporary art outside the purview of the classic curator-selecting-the-artist decisionmaking process. Rather, participants in the show explore the dynamics of the artist/artist cantor, and will include public and private school teachers, artist friends and colleagues, all while encouraging new comers to the Cleveland scene (and YARDS Projects) vis-a-vis the broadening of a wider network of support and exposure.

Orlando Caraballo Ortiz selected Alex Overbeck 

Arron Foster selected Printmaking colleague Taryn McMahon, 

Bianca Fields chose painter and fellow CIA colleague  Bex Fuller

Carolyn Ballou selected assemblage artist Ann Bort who she teaches with at Lake Ridge Academy and Michael Meier chose one of his students graduating from Cleveland Institute of Art, Zak Smoker. 


In conjunction with the Artist Select opening reception, and the Holiday Party for the Residents in the Building, we also invited several Worthington Yards favorite artists to bring some of their art to sell for holiday gift items.


Worthington Yards is having a holiday market and this will run concurrent with the opening on Thursday December 5thfrom 6-9pm.  Artists will be selling handmade and craft birdhouses, prints, teas, photographs, scarves and jewelry to make the most of this season's opportunities to engage those attending the opening to make it easier this Holiday season! 


Linda Barberic (Soma teas/herbal goods), Michael Loderstedt/Lori Kella (sail boats/prints/photographs), Amy Morgenstern (jewelry), Jordan Fine (jewelry), Dana Depew (birdhouses, lamps, honey), April Bleakney-Ape Made, (Tees and printed merch), and Catherine Butler (jewelry) and other creative miscellany. 

Earlier Event: October 24
A Day in the Life